Group Workshops
Vocal Techniques and Performance Skills That Get Results
For Professional and Aspiring Performers.
Visualizing the Voice
An entertaining, highly participatory workshop for singers of
all ages and levels of experience. Kay Pere digs into her
suitcase of engaging instructional toys and informative vocal
models. Through demonstration and guided exercises
participants build a deeper understanding of the voice. Topics
include: breathing for singing, projection, tone, stage
presence, musicality, vocal anatomy and health.
The Performing Songwriter's Paintbox
Unlock all the colors of your voice. Techniques to release the
unique expressive palette of each song. Tools to create a vivid
experience for your audience no matter what your style. Learn
specific vocal and songwriting techniques which will bring you
attention as a Performing Artist. Producers and vocal coaches
working to encourage vocal artistry on stage and in the studio will
also find value in the distinctive approach offered by this
Lose the "Louie Louie" Elocution
The human voice is the only musical instrument possessing the
ability to combine the power of poetry with the language of rhythm
and melody. In this workshop we look at techniques of
enunciation used by vocalists to maximize the impact of their lyrics
in performance. As time permits, singers receive performance
feedback during the workshop.
Educational Programs/Shows
Dolphin's Daughters
Historic Women
of New England
300 hundred years of true stories in song about the lives of
ordinary women doing extraordinary things to help build our country.
Wood, Wind and Heartbeat
Native Instruments My Voice
A Discovery Experience for Children |